You can now re-live the past with Magnolia’s limited edition F&N Magnolia SG50 packs, featuring the iconic girl from years gone by. This iconic packaging had been featured on Magnolia milk cartons from the 1950s to 1970s.

Limited edition F&N Magnolia SG50 milk packs
Magnolia milk over the years
Baby boomers of today will probably be able to remember the iconic pyramid shaped tetra packs that school kids were handed during their recess to boost their nutritional intake. And dating couples in the 1950s will probably still have sweet memories of locking hands and sharing the creamy taste of strawberry milkshakes from the Magnolia Milk Bar – at the old Capitol Theatre Building.
For these individuals, the memories might have faded over the years, but F&N Magnolia milk continues to make good nutrition the key to a healthy and happy life for Singaporeans – through providing a growing range of innovative and wholesome dairy products.
Limited edition Magnolia tote bag
As a bonus, to mark Singapore’s Golden Jubilee Year, F&N Magnolia is now making available to customers, its limited-edition F&N Magnolia SG50 milk packs. You can also get a limited edition F&N Magnolia SG50 Tote Bag if you purchase two packs of one-litre F&N Magnolia milk at Magnolia’s roadshows – while stocks last.

With the purchase of two packs of 1-Litre SG50 milk packs at Magnolia Roadshows, you can get this complimentary Tote Bag
Dates and times of the roadshows
Here are the dates and times of the various roadshows. (See Table).
The roadshows start from 11.00am onwards.
Win Tickets to ‘1965’ Movie
And you can also stand a chance to win tickets to the ‘1965’ movie – which features Singapore through her 50 years of independence by depicting the lives of immigrants and natives before the country became independent. You stand a chance to win tickets through a F&N Magnolia Facebook contest.

For the limited edition F&N Magnolia SG50 milk cartons, two versions are available – Lo-Fat Hi-Cal version and the Standard fresh milk one
Log into the Magnolia Facebook page at for more details about this promotion.
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