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Tips on Coping with Running Injuries and Withdrawal Symptoms

As a runner, you may tend to take running for granted – until you are side lined with a running injury. Then you may start to realise how important running is to you, and how big a part of your life this is.

Here are some tips on how you can cope with the withdrawal symptoms of not being able to run for an extended period of time.

How do you cope when you suffer a running injury? (Credit:

How do you cope when you are suffering from a running injury? (Credit:

1. Remain active

Just because you can’t run, it does not mean that you have to sit at home like a couch potato and watch television all day long.

In order to cope with the emotional withdrawal symptoms, it does help to stay active. These will give you an avenue to vent your frustrations. You can take part in low impact sports that do not aggravate the injury. Swimming and deep-water aqua running are good choices, if you have a leg or foot injury.

2. Pick up a new hobby

It does not help to mope around and do nothing. So why not use the time out of running, to pick up a new hobby?

You could try something else like doing crossword puzzles or picking up a good magazine or storybook to read. Giving yourself something to do will also help to take your mind off running, until you are fully recovered.

3. Spend time with your non-running friends

As a runner, how many times have you made sacrifices in the name of running? For example, you may have rejected your non-running buddies when they asked you out for late night movies or clubbing sessions.

So now that you are not able to run, why not accept those invitations from your non-running buddies – and use this time to catch up on your social life and other things that you would usually not do. Who knows, you may even come to enjoy these alternative activities – and this will also take your mind off your running predicament, as well.

4. Stay in touch with running

Just because you can’t run, it does not mean that you have to stay clear of your local running community altogether. In fact, your attempts to have nothing to do with running may only make the emotional withdrawal symptoms worse.

So why not go ahead and have meals with your running buddies? You could even volunteer at a race – and see the other side of the running scene altogether? This too, may give you an avenue to air your frustrations and things may feel better for you.

5. Stay positive and look to the future

Adopting a negative attitude and moping over your predicament will most certainly make things worse for you.

So why not adopt a positive attitude and look towards the future – in terms of your running? When you are fully recovered from your injury, you will be much more healthy and raring to go – and most importantly, you may view running in a new light and possibly won’t take your ability to run for granted.

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  • Harold says:

    Good read.

    I was actually into rollerblading but my legs weren’t strong enough then so I tried cycling and then running. Until I have nothing but running 🙂

    I still cycle sometimes but rollerblade no more.

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