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Yellow Ribbon Prison Run 2021 returns, in all-new virtual format

This year, the iconic Yellow Ribbon Prison Run is back, in an all-new virtual format. This is one of the key events organised by the Yellow Ribbon Project.

Giving ex-offenders a second chance

A national campaign aimed at giving ex-offenders a second chance at life, the Yellow Ribbon Project hopes to promote a more accepting society, one that is willing to give ex-offenders a second chance at making good.

More than 9,000 ex-offenders complete their imprisonment each year. But upon their release, they find themselves faced with suspicion, mistrust and discrimination, which can feel more punishing than the prison sentence itself.

My first-ever running race

The Yellow Ribbon Prison Run was my first-ever running race back in 2012, and since then, I have joined the run every year, because it represents a very meaningful cause that I wholeheartedly support. Also in 2018, the race date was on my actual birthday; and this made it an extremely meaningful birthday for me.

Besides throwing my support towards the run, I have been a social media advocate for the Yellow Ribbon Prison Run for the past few years too, because I strongly feel that ex-offenders should be given a second chance to turn over a new leaf – rather than being stigmatised for their past mistakes.

Race Categories

With the Yellow Ribbon Prison Run’s all-new virtual format this year, runners can sign up for one of two categories – YR Inspire and YR Challenge.

YR Inspire category has no distance limit. Runners have one requirement: to complete a minimum of one run, walk or hike in the shape of a yellow ribbon. There is no maximum distance, as long as every run, walk or hike is shaped like a yellow  ribbon.

The significance of the yellow ribbon is that it represents acceptance, forgiveness and second chances. You are raising awareness for second chances when you run or walk in the shape of a yellow ribbon.

YR Challenge category has a distance limit of 60km, which runners have an option of completing in either a single activity, or in a maximum of five activities. Each activity that counts towards the 60km must be in the shape of a yellow ribbon.

The numbers 5 and 60 are significant because if an ex-offender stays crime-free for 5 years, or 60 months, after his release, the chances of him re-offending is greatly reduced.


Runner entitlements include a PUMA branded t-shirt, a crochet medal specially hand-made by the inmates at Changi Prison, a handy sports pouch and an eco bag.

Registration is open

The registration period is from now – 24th September and the run period is from 1st – 30th September. 

If this is a cause which you are supportive of, don’t hesitate. Join the run and lend your voice towards the support of second chances.

Register for the run at 

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