Over 300 children took part in the OCBC Cycle Mighty Savers Kids Ride – which had been held last evening.

Participants of the Mighty Savers® Kids and Family Ride all raring to go at the start point of OCBC Cycle 2016 at Singapore Sports Hub. (Photo: OCBC Cycle)
Proved to be a hit amongst the children
In this event – which had proved to be a hit amongst children and their families, the Mighty Savers Kids Ride saw 92 children aged between 2 – 5 cycling 100 metres with a parent, and another 106 kids from the 5 – 9 year old group cycling for a duration of 20 minutes around the OCBC Arena.

A kid and parent posing for the camera in the midst of completing their 20-minute ride at OCBC Cycle 2016 at Singapore Sports Hub. (Photo: OCBC Cycle)
Taking part in this event had been Julian Tay, aged eight, who had joined the event with his friend. Julian said, “I had a lot of fun cycling here with my friend today; I learnt to cycle when I was four years old. I like cycling fast… I hope to come back next year with my friend because he is faster than me and I want to get as fast as him.”
The Mighty Savers Family Ride
The Mighty Savers Family Ride for 5 – 9 year olds saw 85 children enjoying 20 minutes of cycling time with their families, and 53 children in the 10 – 12 age group cycled around the OCBC Speedway Championship track for 30 minutes.

Participants of the Mighty Savers® Kids having a good time at OCBC Cycle 2016 at Singapore Sports Hub. (Photo: OCBC Cycle)
The Teach A Child to Cycle Programme
In a lead up to this event, 20 underprivileged children were taught how to cycle – under the Teach A Child to Cycle programme – which was jointly organised by the Millennium Hotels and Resorts Group and OCBC Cycle 2016.
The 20 kids had been from the Dyslexia Association of Singapore, The Business Times Budding Artists Fund, Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities and the Yu Neng Primary School.

A participant of the Mighty Savers® Kids Ride (2 to 3-years-old) attempting to cycle a distance of 100m at OCBC Cycle 2016 at Singapore Sports Hub. (Photo: OCBC Cycle)
And as a gift for the children, 20 bicycles had also been donated to the participating children.
He “taught” his mother to cycle through the programme
10-year-old Rakuma was one of the children who had been a part of this programme.

A parent assisting his daughter during the Mighty Savers® Kids and Family Ride (2 to 3-years-old) at OCBC Cycle 2016 at Singapore Sports Hub. (Photo: OCBC Cycle)
Said his mother, Madam Tan, aged 38, “Through this training programme, my son managed to learn to cycle and in turn, I picked up cycling too… We now cycle together often at a field and a park near our home. It is great exercise for him, and good chance for us to bond as a family as well.”
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