The highest level reported or completed by PrischewDotCom readers so far was at level 1955 for Candy Crush Saga and at level 665 for Candy Crush Dreamworld.
An Interview with Simon Leung
Candy Crush is definitely taking the world by storm, with more than 66 million players worldwide.
But some guys might have reservations immersing themselves into this colourful candy world, because they see the game as being “girly” and female-dominated.

Photo credits: Simon Leung
This is indeed true, as a study by (2013) found. According to them, 60% of Candy Crushers are females.
But there are actually guys who have fallen true victims to the colourful charms of the Candy Crush Saga game.
One of them is award-winning Internet entrepreneur and Internet keynote speaker Simon Leung, who has actually managed to complete every single level of Candy Crush Saga on his Android smartphone.
I spoke to Simon and asked him a few questions about his passion for Candy Crush Saga. Read on, for why this high-flying Internet entrepreneur loves the game.

Photo credits: Simon Leung
Would you call yourself a “typical” Candy Crush player? Why/Why not?
Not really sure what defines a “typical” Candy Crush player, but I do notice that many people tend to play the game on the street, while on the MRT or bus, and even while with their friends when they really should be socializing. If that’s a typical player, then I’m not. I usually play Candy Crush when I’m alone and bored to pass the time – definitely not in public. I try to be more sociable then.
Why did you start playing Candy Crush? What made you keep on playing the game?
I originally started playing Candy Crush in the Fall (autumn) of 2012, before it became popular. I stopped when I reached level 35 and it asked for payment in order to continue. I resumed in April of this year in Hong Kong when my sister and brother-in-law asked me to connect the game to my Facebook to give them tickets, at which point, I began playing again after discovering you can request tickets instead of paying to proceed to the next stages. I continued to play because to me, the challenge of passing each level represented the every day challenges we go through in life. Sometimes, you will fail because you’ve made a bad choice or move. In the end, if you are persistent and don’t give up, even some of the most difficult stages in life can be overcome.
How long did it take you to complete all of the levels?
On the Android version, there are currently 365 levels. Starting from level 36 in April, it took me about two months while playing the game during my time off to complete all of the 365 levels. I don’t play it on Facebook, but I hear there are about 100 more levels if you play via the computer.
Did you spend money on Candy Crush in-app purchases?
Nope, never spent any money on Candy Crush.
How long did it take you to clear each of these levels?
I don’t remember which ones were the most difficult, but the most time it took me to pass the hardest levels were probably around a day.
Any useful tips for those who are struggling through the game?
The best tip I can give is quite simply to not give up. Each level may have its difficulties, but they are all very passable. Sometimes, it may depend on the luck of how your candies are shuffled, but none of them are impossible. Just keep at it, and you’ll achieve victory!
What types of levels do you consider the hardest and why?
Each type of stage has its challenges. It all depends on how difficult the stages themselves are. Once you start getting towards the end, they will all require you to think your way through the levels. Your challenge is not necessarily the type of level, but your patience is important in figuring out how to beat each stage.
And what sort of obstacles were the toughest for you, and why?
While each obstacle has its own share of difficulty, I will probably vote for the chocolate machines as the most annoying, simply because you can’t get rid of them, and they always seem to have a way to cover your planned next move in chocolate!
So now that you’ve finished Candy Crush, what are you going to do in your spare time?
Back to running my Internet Marketing businesses for now, maybe launch a few more websites and projects with a few partners. Been keeping busy lately with events and travels, as well, and have a few more countries to visit in the coming weeks. Of course, I could wait for some new levels in the game to be launched, but I would probably prefer to be more productive with my time instead of playing the new Candy Crush levels, at least for the next few months.
Find out more about Simon Leung through his personal website or subscribe to his Facebook page updates.
i am on 8353 level in candy crush saga ,and i love this game
I’m on level 9800
Woah my wife is at 3200 I asked when does it end … Apparently it does not
Apparently the highest level in 2021 is 9754
I Am on level 9888
In 2021 on pc ( laptop )
Dang. Im at 1915. Quit for a few years and recently picked it back up.
i am at 8060 level.
2165 level kese paar kre
Dang. Im at 1915. Quit for a few years and recently picked it back up.
Great sir
I m at 8743
I restarted and now playing level 5558…I felt that level between 4000 and 5500 are more challenging than level between 7500 and 8990..All levels are changed and made very tough..
I’m playing 4513 but i can’t buy any of inventory ?
I have completed 9215 level
I am on 5372
i’m only on level 86.
I have played 8630 levels
8450 completed
I have finished level 8734.
The level 8735 is very hard because of the marshmallow creme traps and rock candy bombs but I am confident I will finish it as well.
When you commented here… I had abandoned my game at level 7730…
Now completed all 8990 levels..
I didn’t find level 8735 as hard as you mentioned.. Ievel of difficulties were normal…
I started again and played for 3.5 months and completed nearly 5200 levels ..There I felt that levels between 4000 and 5000 are more challenging than levels between 7700 and 8990…
Ahh.i complete 8360 level on 12th of December 2020
I am at 8675 waiting for new levels
I am on 5372
I have finished 8290 level
I am at 8675 waiting for new levels
I finished level 8405 which is last level for me on 4th December 2020.
I am on 8225
I have completed 8165 levels.
I am on top too
8000 finished today 10/26/2020
8045 and there are no more new levels to play ?
I have finished level 8066
I finished level 7634. On 23 Oct 2020?
7910 levels complited . waiting for next levels
So far I’ve open up to level 7955…
I have completed 7775 ….all level over……
I have finished 7730 level.
I have finished 7640 level.
Me 7730???
I am here 7595 level
New level coming soon ???
When can we expect new level???? I’m finished last level 7595
Coming soon???
I just finished level 7730
I have finished 7595 level.
I reach 7595 level
On 20 aug 2020
I also completed it twice.. Without boosters it’s almost impossible.. How do you get boosters?
I have finished 7235 level.
I have finished 7505 level.
I have finished 7550 level.
I am on leavle 7460
My highest score in 1 week 1768
Completed level 7235..
I have completed 7355 levels
I have completed 7415 level
I have finished 7235 level.
I have completed 7475 levels
Why are you lying.. Total released levels are 7370..
me all levels
I have finished 7235
I have comleted 7475 levels
I have completed 7190 and waiting for another levels.
Completed level 7190…Level of difficulties not challenging.. Kindly provide harder levels so that the real competition begins..
Completed level 7100….kiran mehta and Ashok Mehta…
Completed all 7055 levels for both fb accounts.. AK MEHTA and Kiran Mehta..
Currently I completed levels 7100 and waiting to update
Have you ever bought boosters?
No I haven’t.
I completed all 7010 levels seperately from two different fb accounts ..what’s wrong with it.. My previous post is deleted and not shown here..
I’m 67..completed all 7010 levels.. twice all levels from level 1 to 7010..seperately from two different fb accounts(kiran mehta rank 126 and AK mehta rank 120…kiran mehta is my wife.. does not play this game.. I used her fb account to save my progress when played 2nd time.) 2nd time it was more difficult…levels were updated and changed and made more difficult by team candy crush saga.. In spite of that I completed it 2nd time in less than 6 months.. Can anyone do it twice like me.. I don’t think so..
I finished 7010 level. & I’m waiting for new level.
I finished 7010 level.
I finished 7010 level
I finished level 6830, the last level till now
I’m at level 6920 and waiting for more games. CC seems to release 45 games on a Wednesday.
I I finished 7010 level.
I finished 7010 level .and I’m waiting for new level.
I’m on level 2711 and I absolutely love this game. Believe it or not it’s taken me about 4 year’s because I only play in my spare time.
I have finished my candy crush saga level 6830 as of now.
I am in 6965
My level 785 completed in one month
My high scores is 1768
Completed 45 levels given to me yesterday in just 3 hours today.. Now I have completed 6590 levels.. Before this I had completed 6545 levels in just 4.5months .This is a record.. I’m sure no one can break it.. Now I’m switching on to my another account (AK MEHTA)
where I had left my game.. I am on 5710 level on that account.. I was getting bored in this account receiving only 45 levels per week.. So I opened a new account (kiran Mehta) and completed all 6545 levels in just 4.5 months.. Can anyone accept my challenge? Because playing 7-8 hours daily for 4.5 months is in fact impossible.. Anyhow my challenge always stands..
I finished 6024
I completed all 6545 levels in just 4.5 months.. I started on 2nd November.. In November I completed 1700 odd levels… In December I completed 1800 odd levels.. In January I completed 1400 odd levels.. In February I completed 1100 odd levels and remaining 545 levels in first 16 days of March.. I do feel it was near impossible to complete all 6545 levels in such short time..
Not possible
I’m currently on 2984
I am completed level 6230 drd 25/1/2020
6014 my candy crush
I am completed 6185
On 6140 stage
My level 1670
I am finished level 6124
I am finished level 6095 and I am waiting for more level! Hurry up Candy Crush! Make it harder level!
I’m on 468
Candcruhleval compelit
I am a 59 year old female, undergoing treatment for breast and thyroid cancer. I am at level4020. I play this game and keep my mind distracted from the pain and stress of my illness.i am sure I must be in the top ten. I will happily keep playing the game till it’s end
I’m completed all levels 5870
I’m completed all levels 5870 waiting for new levels
Me, too. Completed Level 6050 – Waiting for New Levels
Get well soon Veena. I am at 483 only. But maybe this is the farthest I have been . I aim at completing this game and not just uninstall it coz it takes my time
I am a female 59 years old,a breast and thyroid cancer from 2016,still undergoing treatment. I play this game to keep me busy in my head and distract me from my pain. I am on level 4020 and will keep playing . I am sure I must be in the top ten in the game?
I have finished 3325 level today20.11.2019
I have completed till level 5735… Please give me new level….i am keen to play more
I completed level 4391 and still going
I have completed all levels up-to 5705
I have completed 5735 levels
I have completed 5690 levels in candy crush..
I also completed 5690… Wonderful thing is that I completed all these levels in exactly nine months.. I started playing on first February 2019.
5735 levels completed
Since no competition with anyone.. I don’t really go after it.. Wednesday evenings are more busy than other days.. Two hours sleep necessary form 3pm to 5 pm.. Thereafter I go to Wednesday vegetable market.. So not much time to play on Wednesday.. I complete it next day..
Me too…level 5690 and waiting for more.
I completed all 5645 levels in less than 9 months.. I started on 1st February 2019 and completed on October 2019..I’m sure I’m the first to complete all 5645 levels in such less time..
Now I’m getting bored.. for I get 45 levels every Wednesday.. I complete the same in one day.. Thereafter I’m idle for next 6 days..
I wish.. Candy crush saga provides atleast 300 levels per week..
Really, than you are very good player
I m on 4549 level today
I have completed 5645 levels of candy crush and i guess I’m the first one to do so….
I’m on 5632 level..
I am on 5084 level
I’m finished 4020 today ?
I’m on 5555
Is this the end or is there more.
How many levels are there?
On 3056 been playing for about a year. I’m a male 58 year old. I wonder if anyone else my age is higher?
Iam finished 3800 stage 2 years
I am currently on level 2772 of Candy Crush Soda on my iPhone
i am comleted 4130 level
Am finished today 5510 level
I am on 5465
i am completed 6220 level
I am on level 9980 on computer in 2021
I am on level 100000000000000000 on my mo